This may result in fewer neighbors than you expect, and if multiple analysis fields are provided, some may use a different number of neighbors than others. ASD Market Week is the leading B2B trade show in Las Vegas and the most comprehensive trade show for consumer merchandise in the U.S. If you choose to ignore null values using the Ignore Null Values in Calculations parameter, neighbors with null values in the analysis field will be filtered out after searching for neighbors. Otherwise, all distances are calculated using straight-line (Euclidean) distance. If the Output Coordinate System environment is set to a geographic coordinate system with latitude and longitude coordinates, all distances are calculated using chordal distance. The advantages of summarization are that it reduces the number of entries in the route table, which reduces load on the router and network overhead, and hides instability in the system behind the summary, which remains valid. If Get spatial weights from file is specified for the Neighborhood Type parameter, the weights defined in the spatial weights file are automatically used for geographic weighting. Route summarization takes a set of contiguous networks or subnets and groups them together using a shorter subnet mask. The local statistics can only be geographically weighted if the Neighborhood Type parameter is specified as Number of Neighbors or Distance Band because neighborhoods based on polygon contiguity or Delaunay triangulation should not be weighted by centroid-to-centroid distance. Part 1: Calculate Summary Routes Step 1: Calculate a summary route on R1 to reach LANs on R3. If the input features are polygons, all distances between polygons are defined by the distances between polygon centroids. Our journey planner will help you choose the right services, share your itinerary and purchase your tickets. When the Delaunay triangulation option is chosen for the Neighborhood Type parameter, the output feature class is called a Voronoi Map. Additionally, these statistics will not be geographically weighted because it is not meaningful to weight distance values based on those same distances. The statistics for distance to neighbors will not use the focal feature in its calculations because that distance is always zero. This allows you to calculate, for example, the mean and standard deviation of the distances to each neighbor to see if the neighbors are generally close or far away from the focal feature. In addition to any analysis fields provided, statistics based on distances to neighbors are calculated for each feature.